In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, a disaster-readiness fair that highlighted solar oven cooking, water storage, 72-hour emergency kits and HAM radio communication demonstrations seemed quite timely. However, planning for the Emergency Preparedness Fair began many months ago.
The event, hosted by the Temecula Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, took place on Saturday, Nov. 10, at the LDS church on North General Kearny Road.
Dozens of tables with information and demonstrations on topics pertinent to emergency preparedness were set up in and around the church facility.
Additionally, two presentations on food storage and earthquake preparedness were given by specialists in those areas. Gordon Neuls, of Aguanga, an avid HAM radio enthusiast and trainer, manned a booth promoting HAM radio certification. In the case of a natural disaster where normal lines of communication are interrupted, HAM radios can be used to relay information, as well as to send for help and assistance.
Community organizations, such as the Temecula Citizen Corps, were on hand to raise awareness of the need to be ready for natural disasters and to promote CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).
The church has long been an advocate of emergency preparedness. Within the church, leadership encourages each of its members to have a year’s supply of food and emergency items, be self-reliant and free of debt.
In addition, the church participates in many local and church-wide efforts to promote disaster readiness, and to provide relief after a disaster strikes.
For example, in the days following Hurricane Sandy, thousands of local members, as well as full-time missionaries serving in the areas hardest hit, donated their time in cleanup efforts, compiling cleanup kits, and collecting much needed food, clothing and home items.
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