The Thrill of wireless

This Blog is dedicated to All the People of the World to whom they want to be a Ham Radio Operator.

Mainly the blog contains Amateur Radio information stuff collected from varies Ham Radio sites and provided to the people who want's to be a Ham

My Aim is to prepare New Generation Amateur Radio Operators in the world and they had to communicate each other by using new technology and to do new experiments to take this to future generation. Without ending to our.

--- VU3PEN dt DEC-2065

Sunday 18 November 2012

The thrill of wireless

"Wireless is a thrilling pastime. Fancy a boy sitting in his room at home with his fingers on a telegraph key and a telephone receiver to his ear listening-in to the news of the world as it is flashed out from the great coast stations or by ships far out at sea! It's a great experience. Yet thousands of boys are doing this wonderful thing every day and night of the year, and you, my young friend, can do it as easily as they, for any boy can own a real wireless station, if he really wants to."  
A. Frederick Collins, The Book of Wireless, 1915.

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